Tim Hortons Opening Times

If you are looking for the Tim Hortons opening Time, so here you can get perfect information about Tim Hortons hours.

The Tim Hortons Opening and closing hours are Monday – Saturday is opened and Sunday is Closed. If a holiday falls on a weekday or weekend, the hours of operation are likely to change. You will need to contact to the customer service department for specific hours of operation.

  • Store Address is 1 Canadian Rd Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5E4, Canada
  • Store contact number is (905) 845-2511

Here we list out Tim Hortons store hours.

Day Opening Time Closing time
Monday Opened Opened
Tuesday Opened Opened
Wednesday Opened Opened
Thursday Opened Opened
Friday Opened Opened
Saturday Opened Opened
Sunday Closed Closed

You can also visit the official website of the Tim Hortons to check more information.

About us

Located at 1 Canadian Rd, Oakville, ON, Tim Hortons is the perfect place to go for freshly brewed coffee. They coffee is made with 100% Arabica beans, sourced from the world’s most renowned growing regions. They also offer specialty beverages including lattes, cappuccinos, espresso, iced and frozen coffee, hot chocolate, tea and real fruit Quenchers.


Also more: Sherway Gardens opening Time

Note: This site is not connected with Tim Hortons but we provide hours and location which makes it easy for people to contact at right hour easily and quickly.