Family Dollar Corporate Office Address (Charlotte, North Carolina)

It is an American variety store chain offering a wide range of merchandise at affordable prices, which also operates the Dollar Tree chain of stores.

The Family Dollar Headquarters location is:

10401 Monroe Rd Matthews,
North Carolina 28105,
United States.

How do I contact Family Dollar?

There are many ways to contact such as by phone number, email address, via office address etc.

Phone: You can reach out to Family Dollar’s customer service by calling their toll-free number: 1-844-636-7687. This number is often available for general inquiries, feedback, and assistance with their products and services.

Website: Visit the official website ( and look for a “Contact Us” section. They might have an online contact form that you can fill out to send them a message.

Social Media: They have an active presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can send them direct messages or comment on their posts with your inquiries.

Family Dollar Corporate Office - Charlotte, North Carolina

Family Dollar stores are typically smaller than traditional department stores and offer a wide variety of products at affordable prices, making them popular among budget-conscious shoppers. They often carry basic household necessities, cleaning supplies, personal care products, snacks, beverages, and a limited number of clothing items.

Also More: Dollar Tree Main Office

Note: This site is not connected with Family Dollar but we do provide phone numbers, emails and head office address that make it easy for peoples to contact easily and quickly.