Boston Pizza Head office Address

Hello Friends, if you are looking for Boston Pizza Head office or phone number, you have come to the right place because here we have provided all information and contact information.

Boston pizza Richmond Address 201 – 13571 Commerce Parkway Richmond, British Columbia V6V 2R2.
Phone number 1-833-303-6398
Facebook @page
Twitter @page

How do I contact Boston ?

In this day you may contact Boston Pizza through the head office phone number, the Boston Pizza email Address or social media etc.

Main office Address: Here you can contact via Boston Pizza head office is 201 – 13571 Commerce Parkway Richmond, British Columbia V6V 2R2, Canada.

Phone Number: Here we highlight the Boston Pizzacontact number is 1-833-303-6398 through which you can resolve your queries quickly and easily.

Email Address:

Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn

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Headquarters Executive Team

  • Jim Treliving: Chairman & Owner
  • Jordan Holm: President


  • Name: Boston Pizza International Inc.
  • Founded: 1964
  • Founders: Gus Agioritis and Jim Treliving
  • Headquarters: Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
  • Industry: Restaurant and Sports Bar
  • Type: Private

This is a Canadian-based restaurant and sports bar franchise. It was founded in 1964 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada by Gus Agioritis and Jim Treliving. The name “Boston Pizza” was chosen because the founders originally intended to open a restaurant that focused on pizza, and they thought the name would convey a sense of tradition and quality.

Boston Pizza Head office

Boston Pizza, also known as Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza Restaurant and Sports Bar, is a Canadian multinational restaurant chain that owns and franchises locations in Canada, the United States and Mexico.