Boralex Canada Corporate Office address, Phone Number and head office contact

Hello friends, if you are searching Boralex corporate office address or phone number so you are on the right place; because here we share all the information about Boralex head office address and company contact details.

Boralex Canada Headquarters Contact Information

Boralex corporate address 36, rue Lajeunesse Kingsey Falls, Québec J0A 1B0 Canada
Boralex corporate email
Boralex Corporate Phone number (+1) 819-363-6363
Boralex customer service number (+1) 819-363-6363
Head Office website
Facebook page @Boralex
Twitter page @Boralex

Note: Please send any important correspondence or suggestion to the above mentioned corporate office of Boralex Canada.

Boralex company profile

Boralex was Founded in 1990, that provides electricity in Canada. Their headquarters is located at Kingsey Falls, Canada.

  • Name: Boralex
  • Number of employees: 500+
  • Subsidiaries: FWRN LP, Boralex SAS, MORE

Also Read: The Source Corporate Address

How do I contact Boralex Corporate Office Canada?

In this day there are many ways to contact Boralex Canada, such as by company phone number, by Boralex email address, via head office or via social media etc.

Mailing Address: Here you can contact via Boralex Headquarters address is 36, rue Lajeunesse Kingsey Falls, Québec J0A 1B0 Canada. If you have any questions any suggestions try this head office address for fast response.

Phone Number: Here we highlight the contact number of Boralex Canada (+1) 819-363-6363 through which you can resolve your queries quickly and easily.

Boralex email address:

Media Relations: Facebook, Twitter

Above information is just basic enquiry phone numbers and contact information but, If you want any particular information and phone number so here we list out all the phone numbers and email address.

All Boralex Contact Number

  • Boralex customer service Number: (+1) 819-363-6363
  • Something to report: 1-877-663-5860
  • Energy project: 819 363-6322
  • Montréal: (+1) 514 284-9890
  • Milton: (+1) 844 363-6430
  • Vancouver: (+1) 855 604-6403

General Inquiry:

Boralex all countries contact number

Here you can get all the contact numbers about Boralex.

  • FRANCE Paris: 33 (0)4 78 92 68 70
  • United States: (+1) 518 747-0930

Boralex headquarters executive team

  • Patrick Decostre: President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Julie Cusson: Vice President, Public and Corporate Affairs
  • Hugues Girardin: Vice President, Development
  • Nicolas Wolff: Vice President and General Manager Boralex, Europe
  • Bruno Guilmette: Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
  • Pascal Hurtubise: Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary
  • Marie-Josée Arsenault: Vice President, Talent and Culture

About Boralex

Boralex is a power company that develops, builds, and operates renewable energy power facilities in Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 2020, Boralex’s total installed capacity reached 2,455 MW.