Addition Elle Corporate Office Canada Address and Contact Information

Hello friends, if you are searching Addition Elle corporate office Canada address or phone number so you are on the right place; because here we share all the information about Addition Elle corporate headquarters address and company contact details.

Addition Elle Canada corporate Headquarters Contact Information

Addition Elle Canada corporate office address9501 Franklin Ave Suite 120 Fort McMurray, AB, T9H 3Z7 Canada
Addition Elle
Addition Elle Corporate Phone number1-866-388-4783
Addition Elle customer service number1-866-388-4783
Corporate Office
Facebook page@Addition Elle
Twitter page@Addition Elle

Addition Elle company profile

They was founded in 1980, Canada, that provides Apparel and accessories retail services in Canada. Their headquarters is located at Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

  • Name: Addition Elle
  • Number of employees: 16-50
  • Number of locations: 139
  • Revenue: $24 billion
  • Parent organizations: Reitmans
  • Type: Apparel and accessories retail

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How do I contact Addition Elle Corporate Office Canada?

In this day there are many ways to contact Addition Elle Canada, such as by company phone number, by Addition Elle email address, via head office or via social media etc.

Main office Address: Here you can contact via Addition Elle corporate headquarters office address is 9501 Franklin Ave Suite 120 Fort McMurray, AB, T9H 3Z7 Canada. If you have any questions any suggestions try this office address for fast response.

Phone Number: Here we highlight the Addition Elle Canada Contact Number is  1-866-388-4783 through which you can resolve your queries quickly and easily.

Addition Elle email address:

Media Relations: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube

Above information is just basic enquiry phone numbers and contact information but, If you want any particular information and phone number so here we list out all the phone numbers and email address.

All Addition Elle Contact Number

  • Customer Service: 1-866-388-4783
  • General Inquiry: 1-866-388-4783

Addition Elle all countries phone number

Here you can get all the contact numbers about Addition Elle.

  • 1-866-388-4783: USA

Addition Elle headquarters executive team

  • Louise Deux: Concept Manager
  • Jon Plens: Chief Executive Officer

About Addition Elle

Addition Elle was a Canadian clothing store chain that sold plus-size clothing. It was established in Montreal and sold to Reitmans in 2001. It closed all 74 Canadian locations Aug 15, 2021. Addition Elle clothing line can now be found at sister store, Penningtons. 

The name of the store (not affiliated with Elle magazine) is a pun on the French word additionelle, which translates to additional in English. The company was established in Montreal in 1980, and sold to Reitmans in 2001. Addition Elle had 139 locations across Canada. All clothing comes in at least a ladies’ size 14 and goes up to size 26.